Have you ever heard prevention is better than cure? The dental hygiene appointment at Genesis Dentistry is all about that. We have a team of highly trained, licensed oral health care professionals known as dental hygienists. The prime aim of Hygienists is the maintenance of good oral hygiene and take care of gum health. Our dental hygienists are experts in spotting the early warning signs of gum infections and oral cancer.

Dental Hygiene Appointment:

First step:

If you book an appointment with our dental experts, the first appointment is a screening appointment. The hygienist will review your medical history, and inquire about your current medical conditions. Personal and social history is also reviewed that includes a history of smoking or alcohol consumption, that can impact your oral health and hygiene routine.

The dental hygienist will then examine your teeth, gums, and tongue to assess your oral health. They will spot any issues with your teeth that need treatment such as cavities, and issues with your gums.

Second step:

After a thorough examination, the hygienist will do dental charting and clean your teeth with our high-tech tools. They will remove Plaque which is a substance formed by bacteria.  It is very important to clean the plaque because it slowly eats away our teeth leading to cavities along with gum infection.

Our experts at Genesis Dentistry offer teeth cleaning in a painless procedure, however, if a patient has sensitivity issues, then anesthesia can also be used.

Third step:

At the end of dental cleaning, the dental hygienist at Genesis Dentistry will ask you about your oral care routine and advise you on ways to protect your teeth and gums. They also explain the areas of your mouth that require specific care.  The dental hygiene appointment at our dental clinic is worth every penny and your valuable time. Our expert dental team makes sure to provide complete details about how to maintain good oral hygiene at home the right brushing technique, and the right kind of brush according to your specific requirements.

How Often Should You Book Dental Hygiene Appointments at Genesis Dentistry?

According to our expert dental team, it is ideal to make an appointment to see their dental hygienist twice a year, or once every six months. Apart from that every person has different oral health requirements, some people can require cleaning earlier than 6 months. If you have any gum-related concerns or you feel bad breath then booking an appointment with the dental hygienist is all you need. Visit us today to have a customized dental treatment plan and also to avail top-quality dental care.

Aftercare Tips After A Routine dental Visit:

  • According to our expert dental team Wait 30 minutes before having a meal. This will offer a break after cleaning and will give the topical fluoride treatment time to adhere with the tooth enamel.
  • Evade hot foods and drinks for 4 hours after dental hygiene appointment.
  • Brush softly before bed.
  • Be on the lookout for warning signs

Your best dental hygiene appointment is just a message away, pick up your phone and book your appointment right away. Genesis Dentistry has qualified professionals and top-quality technology that will give you the best healthy smile ever. 

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